At CBC we believe in laying the right foundation for children so they can experience and encounter God for themselves. Our children's ministry is focused on God's Word and a relationship with the Holy Spirit. We encourage children to live their Christian faith practically, so that at a young age they become influencers in their family and amongst their friends. Our heart is for the children to receive the same nourishment as adults in creative and fun ways. It’s about raising and equipping them for the Kingdom!
Small Groups (SG)
Small groups are the life of CBC. Our SGs are geographically positioned, theme and event oriented and family focused. The heart of each SG is personal spiritual growth and a genuine deepening of relationships. And yes, food and fun is a must.

Youth - Udaan
(Age 13-30)
A ministry for Hindi-speaking youth that inspires in them a passion for the youth in their communities. Through this ministry, we equip them with Biblical values encouraging them to live holy lives. Regular outreach events are held with one underlying message - you can have pure unadulterated fun.
Youth - Synergy
(Age 13-17)
A ministry geared to teens -allowing each one to find their identity and encounter the reality of Christ in a questioning and disbelieving world. Love and lasting friendships are the foundations of this ministry led by younger leaders to effectively overcome the generation gap.

Young Adults - Pro 35
(Age 18-25)
A ministry for English-speaking millennials, bringing in the reality of the presence of God and His wisdom, becoming agents of change in a postmodern generation through creative ways of prayer, worship, arts, music and debates.
We are not a church that prays, we are a praying church. We believe in a culture of prayer. The church family is constantly encouraged to passionately and consistently pursue God in prayer. Each church has its own group of dedicated intercessors faithfully labouring to bring answers from heaven.

At CBC, Worship finds its expression in music and singing. We have a progressive and dedicated team of musicians and singers who explore and lead in contemporary ways to usher in the presence of God. Blessed with a hunger to go deeper in God, we see seasons of God’s miraculous intervention. We also bring focus to the truth that every aspect of our life is an opportunity to express worship to God.
The Prophetic ministry is pursued passionately so that each can hear God for themselves and be an instrument to accomplish whatever God wants. Its connection with every other grace gift is explored consistently. People are restored as they experience comfort, strengthening and edification through the gift of prophecy. It is natural to live by the supernatural and to this end we teach John Paul Jackson’s courses on the Art of Hearing God (AOHG) and Understanding Dreams and Visions(UDAV).

Healing and Deliverance
A passionate pursuit of Isaiah 61:1-2. A ministry that reaches the root of various issues that have enslaved people for years by proclaiming good news, binding up the broken-hearted, setting captives permanently free, breaking curses of generations, bringing healing emotionally, physically and spiritually resulting in people living in the abundant life that God has promised.
At CBC, we place a very high value on Training especially the youth because we realize to achieve any God inspired goals, training is a necessity. This has been a key to the development of individuals and growth of the church. Trainings are multilingual, conducted in various ways and for diverse groups. Servant Leadership and Leading by Example take priority. After being trained, individuals are encouraged to explore possibilities of service to put these principles into practice.

Joy Clubs
As the name suggests, Joy Clubs are designed to bring joy in a child’s life. At an accessible home, children are invited for a time of fun, activity and a learning of godly values. Dedicated volunteers ensure each child is cared for and their parents are interacted with too.
Pastoral Care (PC)
Care and love go hand in hand. Each church has a pastoral couple with a support team holding leadership responsibility with a clear focus on care being brought by intentional visits and personal prayer. Here people experience acceptance, bonding and encouragement. The heart of PC ministry is to give the members an assurance that they are not alone.

At CBC, the goal of discipling is to become like Jesus. Once a person decides to belong to the church family, they are encouraged to go through a series of foundational studies for basic Christian living. This leads to a lifestyle of commitment as one walks in the footsteps of Jesus. As the disciple moves into specific areas of anointings, they are further discipled in that realm.
Godly Parenting
The heart of God yearns to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents. CBC puts high value on quality family life patterned as documented in the Holy Bible. This ministry is etched with hope for parents to overcome seemingly lost situations through teaching, counselling and prayer.

Marriage Enrichment
Marriage is a God instituted relationship between one man and one woman - a cornerstone for a stable society. Through this ministry, couples find time to refresh their understanding of one another and commit to love one another in the language that they understand. This results in each becoming better individuals, sharing a deeper friendship with one another and becoming a role model to inspire others to have a great marriage.